File golf_sheet1.txt -- Last modified Mon Aug 14 11:46:41 1995 COMMISSIONING PHASE BLOCK SHEET 1. INSTRUMENT AND BLOCK NUMBER: GOLF, Block 1 2. BLOCK IDENTIFICATION: Door Closure Verification 3. PURPOSE: Check whether door is closed. If not, close to prevent contamination of entrance window. 4. SUB-BLOCKS: (see Note 1) NR. IDENTIFICATION 1.1 SVM Preparation 1.2 Door closure 1.3 SVM return to initial mode 5. SUB-BLOCKS TABLE: (see Note 2) NR. - DURATION - PREVIOUS - COMMANDING - TELEMETRY - POINTING 1.1 00:30 N/A PRO M None 1.2 00:15 Nom PRO M None 1.3 00:30 Nom PRO M None 6. SCHEDULING REQUIREMENTS: (see Note 3) Early switch-on. Earliest time: as soon as allowed by SVM. Latest time: Day 2. Preferred time: 9:00 to 12:00 hours after launch. 7. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: (see Note 4) Coordination with FOT. This operation requires reconfiguration of SVM. 8. SUCCESS CRITERIA AND/OR EXPECTED OUTPUT: Door closed, experiment back to OFF, non-op heaters back to ON 9. RELEVANT PROCEDURES Procedures to be run by FOT : 1 - run "x_exp_prep_on" sequence (30 minutes TBC by FOT), 2 - Switch GOLF non-op heaters OFF, 3 - Select relays position for Door and Mechanisms by use of 4 ON/OFF commands (GCPOMPN, GCQWMPN, GCDOMPN and GCDOMMN), 4 - run "g_rtnsafe" STOL, 5 - run "x_exp_off_svm" sequence (30 minutes TBC by FOT), 6 - restore non-op heaters initial power dissipation. 10. CROSS-REFERENCE TO TEST SHEETS: (list identifiers for test sheets) Ask Jacques 11. RELEVANT SECTION OF TIMELINE N/A