File mdi_sheet4.txt -- Last modified Wed Sep 27 17:32:08 1995 COMMISSIONING PHASE BLOCK SHEET 1. INSTRUMENT AND BLOCK NUMBER: MDI, Block 4 2. BLOCK IDENTIFICATION: MDI Observing Program Tests 3. PURPOSE: Test Flight Observing Sequences and Campaigns 4. SUB-BLOCKS: (see Note 1) NR. IDENTIFICATION 4.1 Observing Program Checkout Flight observing sequences are run for the first time on the flight instrument in sunlight, to verify functionality, on-board processing and data compression efficiency. 4.2 80-Hour Dynamics Program Test The dynamics program is run for 80 hours without interruption to test the observing sequence and the ground data systems' ability to deliver continuous data. 5. SUB-BLOCKS TABLE: (see Note 2) NR. - DURATION - PREVIOUS - COMMANDING - TELEMETRY - POINTING 4.1 20 days (1) X 3.6 NRT-s (3) Nom. (4) Nom. 4.2 80 hrs (2) X 3.6 NRT-s (3) H2 Nom. (1) Not necessarily consecutive days: gaps up to 1 week are tolerable. (2) Sub-block 4.2 must run continuously with no interruption of operations, telemetry or nominal pointing. (3) Most commanding will be done by delayed command loads. (4) Sub-block 4.1 will run around the clock as long as the pointing is nominal, using the telemetry in the usual mix of M, H, and VC2, with telemetry transitions to be made by the FOT using the nominal procedures. 6. SCHEDULING REQUIREMENTS: (see Note 3) N/A 7. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: (see Note 4) 4.2 Dynamics Test needs 80 continuous hours high-rate telemetry. 8. SUCCESS CRITERIA AND/OR EXPECTED OUTPUT: Sequences and campaigns successfully executed. 80 hours of high-rate data without gaps delivered to Stanford. 9. RELEVANT PROCEDURES N/A 10. CROSS-REFERENCE TO TEST SHEETS: (list identifiers for test sheets) TBS 11. RELEVANT SECTION OF TIMELINE (backpage) BLOCK4 -- MDI OBSERVING PROGRAM TESTS COMMENT: Most of this period is devoted to testing the flight observing sequences and data flow through the entire system. BLOCK4.1 -- OBSERVING PROGRAM CHECKOUT 30 & 00:00 # Observing Program Checkout # Duration 30 days Structure Program Dynamics Program Magnetic Program Typical Campaign Program