Monday 14: --------- SUMER - from 13 UT NRT -> open the door CDS 0:00-6:30 UT Synoptics 7:00-13:00 Particle beam study (J. Brosius) 15:00-17:00 UT JOP131/107 (B. Schmieder) Dynamics of Active Regions/Ly alpha in prominences (Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and filaments) CDS/MDI/TRACE/THEMIS/EIT/VTT/Yohkoh/GBOs TARGET: Filament at (x=78", y=-4") 18:00-24:00 UT Oslo sunspot campaign (O. Kjeldseth-Moe) TARGET : sunspot ar (x=-337", y=268")