• Real-time data (RT) comes to the SOC office and our software sends it out to instrumenter workstations (IWS)

  • Data for each instrument (actually, each APID) is captured and stored on the SOC computer in subdirectories under /ftp/tlm_files

  • Each half hour, an SDU file is opened and data is put in it. Half an hour later, that file is closed and reformatted to an REL file, ftp'd to the instrument team, and a new SDU file is opened up

  • If the IRTS connection is closed, our SDU files close

  • For data that is recorded on the SSR and later dumped as VC4, the DPS ftp's us a quick-look (QKL) file for each APID

  • The QKL files go into the tlm_files instrument directories along with the REL files, and are then ftp'd to the teams by our software

  • A week's worth of data is usually kept on the SOC machines before it is purged

  • To look at the times in the file and see how many packets were lost or bad data, use tlmtool:

    tlmtool -f ELASCL_041028_121445.REL | more

  • To get a summary of this, use qqtlmtimes and specify the number of dropout minutes (fractions are allowed) allowed before the program flags the bad data:

    qqtlmtimes 5 ELASCL_041028_121445.REL

  • To see how many packets are lost, use pctloss and the loss percentage is at the end of the results:

    pctloss ELASCL_041028_121445.REL

    ELASCL_041028_121445.REL n=8644 loss=1 0.0115673799884326

  • To see if there are some files that need to be processed manually (we almost never do this anymore):

    cd /tmp_logs

    ls SDUFILE*.lst

  • If there are files in that file wait until we are not getting telemetry real time. Then do:

    /ecs/exe/RefTlm -e event_host -s vc01 -f filename &

  • event_host is machine you are on and have event log
  • NOTE: If there is an "X" in a telemetry filename, that is because the data is more than a year out of sync. All VIRSC filenames have an "X" in them because VIRGO has no clock. The VIRHK packets (like all other HK packets) are stamped with spacecraft time so there is no X in their filename.

    NOTE: The file Config.tlm in the ecs_config directory has some neat information about the setup of telemetry.

    Location: /u/ecs/soc/info/rel_qkl_info.html