File: /ssw/gen/data/info/idl_header.txt ;+ ; Project : SOHO - CDS ; a ; Name : HELP_FITSHEAD() ; b ; Purpose : Widget display to give help on items in CDS FITS header. ; c ; Category : Help, FITS, CDS ; ; Explanation : Presents a typical, or specific, CDS FITS file header ; and allows the user to click on any item to receive an ; extended explanation of that item. ; d ; Syntax : IDL> status = help_fitshead([file,/noext]) ; e ; Examples : IDL> file = '' ; IDL> f = find_with_def(file,'CDS_FITS_DATA','fits,fts') ; IDL> print_str,f ; IDL> status = help_fitshead(last_item(f),/noext) ; ; Inputs : None ; ; Opt. Inputs : FILE - name of FITS file to read. If not given, a ; standard header example is displayed. ; ; Outputs : None ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; f ; Keywords : NOEXT - if specified, the main FITS header is ; displayed as opposed to the extensive one ; used in the binary table extension. ; g ; Common : None ; h ; Restrictions: Requires specification of env. var. CDS_FITS_DATA if ; file path/name is not given explicitly. ; i ; Side effects: None ; j ; History : Version 1, 28-Apr-1995, C D Pike. Written ; Version 2, 14-Jun-1995, C D Pike. ; Added /NOEXT keyword and removed /NOHEAD. ; k ; Contact : CDPIKE ;- -------------------------------------------------- a - functions are suffixed with () and main routines with * b - text should be <= 60 characters to allow fixed format output in help. c - only entries from approved list (extendable) accepted d - not required to specify all parameters/keywords, just give flavour e - if appropriate, it should be possible to run IDL code given here verbatim f - if appropriate, keywords should be qualified with (input) and/or (output). g - common block files should be same name as common block with .pro extension h - other examples are: OS dependent; requires IDL version 3.xx; can only be run after calling other initialisation routines etc.... i - for example, sets global variable. j - first line required to include: Version (Ver[sion] #), Date (dd/mmm/yyyy - or reversed) and Person ([initials]surname) k - entry should be sufficient to allow the SSW administrators to identify a contact person