Study 000145: This study consists of one raster: Full CCD readout; 60s exposures; 1" slit; FOV 211"x512"; step size 10"; duration: 46mins This study takes complete EIS spectra at different heights above the limb and will be useful for categorising the EIS spectra in this region and helping with line identification. ECLIPSE SEASON: during the eclipse season this study can be scheduled for the day-time and, if nothing else is run during the orbit, then the average data rate over the orbit will be the nominal value of 50 kbits/s (since the study duration is half the orbit period). POINTING: preferably this study should be run at Y=0 (i.e., near the equator) and the raster field-of-view should extend from just above the limb (say 10-20 arcsec) out to 220-230 arcsec above the limb. If the satellite pointing allows, greater heights would also be useful. WARNING: this study has a data-rate of 100kbits/s. If you run it for 3 hours (for example) you will need to leave a 3 hour gap to prevent EIS going over its data recorder allocation.