Study 000170: ACRONYM: GDZ_360x288_AR_CONT2 A context raster, large enough (360"x288) to cover a medium-size active region, in less than 17m with the 2" slit (it is a sparse raster with 6s exposure times). This should cover the entire extent of the active region loops. It is important that the loop legs are observed. This study will provide densities in the legs of the loops (Mg VII) and along the loop (Fe X, XII), plus velocity measurements. Target: Any small/medium-size quiescent active region. It is important that the AR fits the 360"x288" FOV of the context raster. WARNING: Part of three studies a) Run GDZ_360x288_AR_CONT2 context raster (17m) b) Run GDZ_SLOT_AR1_480x360 context raster (6m) c) Run GDZ_DENS_20x240_ARL1 10 times (25m) d) Run GDZ_SLOT_AR1_480x360 once (6m) e) Run GDZ_360x288_AR_CONT2 once (17m) f) Run GDZ_SLOT_AR1_480x360 once (6m) g) Run GDZ_DENS_20x240_ARL1 10 times (25m) h) Run GDZ_SLOT_AR1_480x360 once (6m) i) Run GDZ_360x288_AR_CONT2 once (17m) TOTAL DURATION: 2h 5m