Study 000230: ACRONYM: SYNOP004_400x400_30 This raster is designed to be run routinely on both quiet Sun and active region targets. The raster covers a relatively large area (400"x400") and a significant fraction of the CCD (180-205 and 248-285). To keep the duration reasonable the 2" slit is used with 2" steps. The exposure time is 30s and there is a 30s delay between exposures. Despite the delay the data rate is about 75 kbs. TARGET : Quiet Sun or Active Region EXPOSURE TIME : 30s, 30s delay SLIT : 2" FOV : 400"x400" (2" steps) WINDOWS : 180-205, 248-285 TOTAL TIME : 3h36m NOTE : USES JPEG 98 COMPRESSION. WARNING: High data rate (89 kbs)