Study 000244: ACRONYM: HPW016_DETAILED_SAS This is a sit-and-stare version of HPW016_DETAILED_MAP. The line list includes both hot lines (Fe XVII, Fe XXIII, Fe XXIV) and cool lines (Mg V, Mg VI, Mg VII). A number of density diagnostics (e.g., Fe XII 187/195) are also included. TARGET: Active Region EXPOSURE TIME: 45s RASTER: Sit-and-Stare SLIT: 1" FOV: 1"x360" RASTER DURATION: ~10m Note: data rate of 28 kbs Pointing: This is a sit-and-stare observation with the 1" slit. It is important to be aware that there is an offset between the two detectors so that the same plasma may not be imaged on both CCDs. A context raster should be run in conjunction with this study. Note that HPW013_AR_RAS_23m covers about 40" in 23m Use/Instructions to planners: The exposures times are 45s, which should allow for this study to be run in the quiet Sun. Long, continuous runs of this study are desirable as transient heating events can take a significant fraction of an hour to evolve. Warning None.