Study 000278: Acronym: sta_loop_context_lo Context raster to be used in conjunction with sta_loop_slot_lo Objective: to investigate the morphology of coronal loops which support longitudinal intensity perturbations, the nature of the (quasi-) periodic driver and the evolution of the perturbation as they travel through the different temperature regions of the solar atmosphere. Study summary: Slit/slot: 2" slit No of pointing positions: 59 Total spatial width: 120" Pixels in solar-y: 248 Exposure time: 30 seconds Cadence: 33 minutes 50 seconds Compression: DPCM Data rate: 11.7755 kbits/s Data volume: 23644.07 kbits Condition necessary to run and POINTING: Occurence of a relatively quiescent (non-flaring) coronal loop system either of the disk or limb. Involvement of, at a minimum, Hindoe/EIS, SOHO/CDS and TRACE. Additional support from Hinode/XRT and Hinode/SOT/FPP would be nice. WARNING: None