Study 000284: ACRONYM: dob_bp_slot_raster Objective: To capture the dynamics and evolution of an x-ray bright point Study summary: Slit/slot: 40" No of pointing positions: 3 Total spatial width: 160" Pixels in solar-y: 160 Exposure time: 30 seconds Cadence: 2m 13s Compression: JPEG 92 Data rate: 3.6158 kbits/s Data volume: 7830 kbits Emission Lines: Fe XII (186.75), O V (192.90), Fe XII (195.12), He II (256.32), Fe X (257.26), Si VII (275.35) POINTING: Point at region of QS - at location of a bright point if it can be predicted. If not, point at QS and keep fingers crossed! If possible, overlap with SOT field of view. WARNING: None