Study 000317: ACRONYM: RW_Alf_01 Description: Narrow continuous scan with six positions of the 2” slit (10 second exposures), giving FOV of 12”x152”, at relatively high cadence (60 seconds) ** N.B. For the original intended programme of THMFs with SOT, align the centre of the EIS raster to the SOT pointing (beware the offset between SOT centre and spacecraft centre, so please co-ordinate with the SOT CO on this). For all other uses of this study, use CO discretion as normal ** Original Programme: We prefer active regions to the quiet Sun for the Alfven wave study. We would like to contain pore in target region, because magnetic structure with life time longer than an hour is preferable for the study. The target region should be far away from THE disk center (We would like µ-angle about 60°), because we use the Stokes V to detect transverse fluctuation of magnetic field and velocity. 4) WARNING None