Study 000333: ACRONYM: blinker_cr Study description: The purpose of this study is to understand the driving mechanism(s) of quiet Sun brightenings in the solar atmosphere and their coronal responses. Acronym : blinker_cr Target : Quiet Sun Raster : scanning Slit : 2” FOV : 70”x248” Raster duration : 26m1s Raster Data Volume : 17.5 Mbits Pointing: -------- quiet Sun at the disk center Instruction to planners : ------------------------- *** Requires raster repeat **** To be run minimum 2 days, around 3 hours per day of continuous observations i.e., around ** 7 raster repeat ** . Solar rotational compensation is needed i.e., tracking the same region on the Sun. As it is a coordinated observation with SoHO, it is essential to have the same FOV observed. If there is an offset between CDS/SoHO and EIS/Hinode, it has to be taken into account. It is essential to have simultaneous H-alpha and FGIV magnetograms / SOT and Al Poly / XRT observations. If/when the HOP run, please contact: Maria Madjarska at tel. +49 2406 303 5295 Warning: None