Study 000368: Acronym: JS_CH_280x256_V3 Coronal Hole study: 120s exposure time version. Modified version of study #341 (90S exposure time) to increase DN/pixel 2"slit scan, FOV 280"x256", 120S exp. time. DCPM compression is used to get good line profile. Duration: 4h 58m Volume: 97 Mbits TARGET: Coronal Hole Pointing: The target of this study is a polar coronal hole. EIS should be pointed to include the boundary of the coronal hole and the limb. The purpose is to obtain velocity maps of million degree plasma. Instruction to planners: 1. It would be better to run REGCAL 071 & 072 studies prior to run this study. *** Run REGCAL 071 & 072 only ONCE prior to multiple JS_CH run(s), per day. I.e do not run the regcals more than once per 24h *** 2. Ideally this study should run repeatedly (e.g. 4 or 5 times consecutively). WARNING: None