Study 000487: ACRONYM: DRW001_HI_BRT_V3 HOP212: This study is a modified version of DRW001_HI_BRT_V2 Modification: 10 pointing positions The study is intended to be run exactly on the disk centre in Quiet Sun, plage or equatorial Coronal hole conditions to search for rapidly evolving, cool events such as swirls and spicules. The study consists of a single raster, with 10 contiguous positions of EIS's narrow slit (1"), making a narrow but tall scan with 30 second exposures at each position. Target: QS Exposures: 10 FOV: 10"X240" Expsoure time: 30s Raster Duration: 5m 34s Compression: DPCM Volume: 18 Mbits Target: ------- QS patch at Sun centre Instruction to planners: ----------------------- 1 - Run study #378 (IUU_SLOT_488x512) as a context raster 2 - Run this study. Minimum 12 raster repeats 3 - Run study #378 (IUU_SLOT_488x512) as a context raster It is recommended to run these studies chained. For Hop212: The prime 1 hour interval for each day will be from 09:00 UT until 10:00 UT Contact details: WARNING: -------- Please note the error in the raster description. It should be: DRW_CLBRT_SCAN_10"_v3 rather than _5"_v3 (the _5" is left accidentaly from v2)