Study 000559: ACRONYM: HIC2_SCAN_201x512 This is a study option for running during the re-flight of the Hi-C sounding rocket scheduled for July 2016. It is a coarse raster than covers a larger field of view than the original that was used in 2012. Also, because of the enhanced EIS data alllocation the linelist has been expanded. Target: active region. Duration: 6m35s Slit: 1" step size: 10" Raster size: 201"x512" Exposure time: 15s Data volume: 32.2 MB Data rate: 81.60 kB/s Pointing: -------- The pointing will be communicated by the Hi-C team but is likely to be an active region. If this study is selected it should be run throughout the launch window. Instructions to planners: ------------------------- Repeat the study to fill the available time-slot. Warning: -------- High data rate (81 Kbits/second)