Study 000586: ACRONYM: dhb_atlas_30x512 A revised version of dhb_atlas_120m_30". This raster that covers 30" x 512" with the 2" slit and takes the complete EIS spectrum. This is similar to atlas_120 but with X-FOV of 30". Duration: 1h 4m Compression: DPCM Data volume: 447 Mbit Exposure time: 120s Exposures: 30 Slit: 2" FOV: 30"X512" Pointing: -------- The study is used to obtain reference spectra for active regions, quiet Sun and coronal holes both on-disk and off-limb. Intruction to planners: ---------------------- Run slot context study PRY_slot_context_v3 (ID# 353) * beforehand * to provide context. See WARNING below. Warning: ------- VERY HIGH TELEMETRY RATE. 115 kbits/s or 447 Mbits total.