Study 000638: ACRONYM: Flare266_Hunter01_v2 Updated by M. Whillock, MSSL, 20220708. Copied from study id 0000475, increased exposure time by 50%. This study is designed to make observations of an active region in the 266" slot centered at He II 256 until a flare occurs. EIS will then branch to a flare response study, autonomously. TARGET: Flaring Active Region EXPOSURE TIME: 8s RASTER: Sit-and-Stare SLIT: 266" FOV: 264"x304" RASTER DURATION: 1h3m4s VOLUME: 8.3 Mbits RATE: 1.8 kbits/s COMPRESSION: JPEG50 - HIGHLY COMPRESSED Pointing: --------- The center of a flaring active region. This observing mode should not be used without explicit instructions on the settings. For the Flare detection control parameters (e.g. Thresholds) contact either: Harry Warren: harry.warren AT Or Khalid: kfj AT Warning: ------- Short exposures and high compression.