$Revision: 1.29 $, $Date: 2012/11/28 17:59:14 $

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Web Movie Tools/Products: View SECCHI movies via the SECCHI website

JPL Web Movie Tools: JPL's Solar Muse website

SCC_PLAYMOVIE: Run MVI files with numerous options

ANNOTATE_IMAGE: Add text or arrows to image or MVI frames

WSCC_MKMOVIE: Generate MVI or standard format frames for SECCHI, LASCO, EIT, or AIANewEUV options!

MK_EUVI_MOVIE: Shortcut for making EUVI movies

SCC_PLAYMOVIEM: SCC_PLAYMOVIE plus cursor coordinate display and height-time plottingNewH-T Options!

SXPLOT_HT: Display height-time data from SCC_PLAYMOVIEM

WCS_COMBINE_MVI: Combine MVIS for any combination of SECCHI/LASCO/AIA telescopes

GENERIC_MOVIE: Generate MVI from data cube or standard format image filesNewInput Options!

MVI2CARRMAP: Generate Carrington maps from MVI frames

SREM_MOVIE: Create HI movies using cross-correlation to remove stellar background

[W]SCC_PNGPLAY:NewNow works remotely with NRL or SSC Beacon images! Quickest way to view desired movie


Web Movie Tools/Products

The following use already-created browse images for NRL Level-0 data (48-84 hours delay)

Javascript movie tools:

Synoptic MPEG movies:

JPL Web Movie Tools

IDL Movie Tools



IDL> scc_playmovie [, 'filename.mvi']

Menu Options:



[Movie Control]

Commonly Used Keywords:

SKIP=1 ;* to skip every other frame

START=100 ;* frame 100 becomes 1st frame of movie

LENGTH=60 ;* to load frames (start) to (start +)59

/TIMES ;* (re)display date/time from header on each frame in lower left corner

SAVE='path/name.mvi' ;* save and exit (for batch mode)

/DIFF ;* subtract first frame from all other frames

/TRUECOLOR ;* treat images as true color images (3 x Xsize x Ysize)

/NOXCOLORS ;* disable ability to change color tables and some other tools; saves RAM


Add text or arrows to individual image or frames of MVI.


IDL> annotate_image [, 'image.png'] or [, 'movie.mvi']


Keyword Options:

/TRUECOLOR use true color format

IMG= to pass image(s) in from other programs

/TEMPLATE creates textframe stored in WSCC_MKMOVIE_COMMON used to add text when creating a movie

AHDRS= array of header structures from MVI or FITS file

/DEBUG print debug messages


Input (optional for SECCHI):



Preferable to call with list of files:

IDL> file_list=scclister()

IDL> wscc_mkmovie,file_list

The [TEST MOVIE] button will generate a 3-frame movie; click on the [Movie Control] button in the PLAYMOVIE widget to bring up the control widget; quit SCC_PLAYMOVIE (File->Quit) before trying again. The [CREATE MOVIE] button will exit the WSCC_MKMOVIE widget and create the movie with each file in the input (depending on options) before calling SCC_PLAYMOVIE.

Keyword Options:

/DEBUG ; Print details.

/RESET ; Return to default values in widget.

MARGIN= ; Keep minimum of input pixels on edge of widget.

Selectable Options:



IDL> mk_euvi_movie,'2007-04-25 23',2,304,/BOTH

Makes a movie from 2 hours of EUVI-A and EUVI-B 304A data beginning at 23:00 on 4/25/07. User is prompted to select subfield.


/SSR1_ONLY ; Do not retrieve SSR2 images, if any

/USE_AHEAD ; Generate list of images from ahead, not Behind (default)

/SKIP_MISSING ; Skip frames without a corresponding image from other spacecraft

/AHEAD, /BEHIND, /BOTH ; Which spacecraft to query

/PNG ; Save each frame as a PNG file in current directory and then call generic_movie



.mvi file or .hdr file (for set of individual frames); output of WCS_COMBINE_MVI also ok.

Optional Outputs:

User control options:

Same as SCC_PLAYMOVIE plus:

[Tools] Menu

[Movie Control]

Keyword Options:

/NOFITS ; By default the program tries to find the original FITS files for complete coordinate information. Use this option to use estimated values (usually adequate).

START= Frame number to start display with (default=0)

LENGTH= Number of frames including START to display

AVERAGE_FRAMES= Average these many frames together

SMOOTH_BOX= Apply smooth() with this box size to each frame

/EDIT ; Allow color table adjustment with XCOLORS.PRO (slower)

/DEBUG ; Print debug messages

/CROSSHAIR ; Use crosshair for cursor instead of arrow

/BIGFONT ; Use Triplex Roman size=2 for annotation instead of default hardware font

NAMES= STRARR title for each frame

HDRS= Image or frame header structures

SUNXCEN=, SUNYCEN= pixel coordinate of sun center

SEC_PIX= arcsec/pixel of frames

/PREVIOUS ; play last loaded movie

/ROLL_PER_FRAME ; Compute roll for each frame (SOHO only)


HI_FIX_POINTING.PRO added on 2009/07/14; without this correction, HI2 values can have an error on the order of 0.3 deg.

For best results, original FITS files are needed to read in original header information. For HI also utilizes calibration files in $SCC_DATA.


This program is called in SCC_PLAYMOVIEM to display a saved Height-Time file (positions in helioprojective radial coordinates). It also may be called from the command line. When the user reads in an HT file, all of the points are plotted on a Height (distance from solar surface) vs. Time graph. Distance units are always linear (not angular). Using the STEREO SPICE routines, the program computes a propagation vector based on the time and elongation of the first data point and projects it back to a source region on the solar surface; these values are displayed and may be modified.


IDL> sxplot_ht [, '']




Optional Input:


Preview movie is created with default settings. After making any changes, click [Preview] to delete the currently running movie and see first, middle, and last frame of the new movie.

User options on Input Selection widget:

User options on Control menu:

Hint: For faster response, stop preview from running when making selections.

Note: Right now WCS_COMBINE_MVI will only generate frames with a single sun center. For multiple sun centers it is necessary to use WSCC_COMBINE_MVI, which has similar options.

Example Use:

IDL> wcs_combine_mvi,['cor2a.mvi','cor1a.mvi']





Example Use:

IDL> list=file_search('./*.png')

IDL> generic_movie,list

Keyword Options:

HDRS= Array of header structures, such as from secchi_prep, for use in populating frame headers of MVI file

PAN= Size reduction factor

LABEL= STRARR of labels to put on each frame lower left corner

/RDIFF ; Subtract previous frame from current frame

/TIMES ; Put timestamp on each frame (FITS only)

LCOLOR= [0-255] specify color of frame label or times

/DEBUG ; print processing/header details

/DOBIAS ; subtract BIASMEAN in FITS header before scaling

/SXT ; Data is YOHKOH/SXT FITS files.

/MK3 ; Data is Mauna-Loa Mark3 Coronagraph rpb files

/PICT ; Data are PICT files

/DOXCOLORS ; Allow color table adjustment (uses more RAM)

CHARSIZE= specify charsize of Label or Time annotation

MPEGNAME= generate MPEG output bypassing

SAVE= 'path/name.mvi' ;* save and exit (for batch mode)




East and west limb Carrington map fits files

Example Use:

IDL> mvi2carrmap, mvis, 1.10, 10, .25 ,1984, dirout='$HOME/output'

Keyword Options:

/DISPLAY ; show the carrington map

DIROUT= defines the output directory else the current directory will be used

/DIFF ; will create a carrington map subtracting the previous movie frame




IDL> srem_movie,filelist

IDL> srem_movie,'2008-02-01',tel='hi1',side='ab'

IDL> srem_movie,['2007-12-01','2007-12-05'],tel='hi2',side='a'


Displays movie with GENERIC_MOVIE.PRO

Optional Output:

PNG files of movie frames

Keyword Options:

BMIN=, BMAX= Min/Max to use for movie or PNGs; defaults to -1000,1000 (images not divided by EXPTIME)

TEL= 'hi1' or 'hi2' (use if input is date)

SIDE= 'a' or 'b' or 'ab' (use if input is date)

PAN= Zoom factor of result (default is 0.5)

/USE_DAILY ; Use daily median for background instead of monthly min

USEDATE= Date for which to retrieve monthly_min image

MODEL= Image to use as background to subtract

/NOSNOW ; Run point_filter on +/- signal peaks of result

DIFF= Skip DIFF-1 frames to do diffs and correlation

/WRITE_PNG ; Save frames as PNG files

/SAVE_FRAMES ; Do not delete Diff FITS and PNG files

DIR= Subdirectory to save temporary Diff FITS files and/or PNG files

/NOMOVIE ; Just write Diff FITS and/or PNG files

BOX= [x1,x2,y1,y2] Box to use for cross-correlation (defaults to area near center of fov offset toward sun) based on 512x512 FFV (rdif_hi)

POS= [x1,y1,x2,y2] show subfield only (requires BOX be set to fit in this subfield) (rdif_hi)

SCL= Factor by which to re-scale image before shifting and subtracting (rdif_hi)

MFILT= Do a median filter *7 of result (rdif_hi)




Keyword Options:

/SPWX ; Use images from

IMGSIZE= Size of (individual detector) movie frame: 256 or 1024; default is 512

LENGTH= Number of frames; default is whole day

/RDIFF ; Running difference frames

SKIP= Number of images to skip between frames

/ANAGLYPH ; Retrieve stereo anaglyph images, currently only 1Mar - 30Jun 2007

/JPG ; Displays the archived jpegs instead of pngs. (COR1 is always jpeg)

/STARS ; Use hi_stars HI images instead of edge-enhanced HI images

/ALL ; Displays 8 SECCHI coronagraphs and 8 EUVI wavelengths: imgsize=256, output is 1024x1024

/EUVI_ALL ; Displays all 4 euvi wavelengths for both a and b: imgsize=256, output is 1024x512

/EUVIA ; Displays all 4 euvi wavelengths for a: imgsize=512, output is 1024x1024

/EUVIB ; Displays all 4 euvi wavelengths for b: imgsize=512, output is 1024x1024

/COR ; Displays both COR1 and COR2 for a and b: imgsize=512, output is 1024x1024

/HI ; Displays both HI1 and HI2 for a and b: imgsize=512, output is 1024x1024

CADENCE= Minimum time between images in minutes

PAN= Fraction by which to resize input in

/SREM : Use hi_srem HI2 images (equivalent to tel='h2sr[a]')

/WAVELETS : Will read in wavelets pngs (hdrs should be defined using hdr keyword due to changes in the file name formats)

/EVENTS : Will read in wavelet event pngs when used with the /WAVELETS keyword

HALF= STRARR of 'R' or 'L' to indicate which side of image to use; must be same dimension as cam string array (or set by adding L or R to the end of cam)

/AIA : Retrieve 4 wavelengths of AIA: 304, 211, 193, 171 (2x2)

/EUVI_PLUS : Displays EUVI-A, AIA, EUVI-B (4x3)

/COMBINE : Saves movies of individual telescopes and calls WSCC_COMBINE_MVI

/SYNOPTIC : Display Carrington maps; use with EUVI cam

/STONYHURST : Display Stonyhurst maps; use with EUVI cam


IDL> scc_pngplay, '20070501','20070502','cor2', 'a', imgsize=1024, skip=2
IDL> scc_pngplay,'2009-06-01 14:00','2009-06-01 18:00',/euvi_all, pan=0.5
Use an array as camera input to view more then one detector at a time:
One row:	cam=['hi2a','hi1a','cor2a','cor2b','hi1b','hi2b']
Two rows: 	cam=[['euvi_171a','euvi_304a','euvi_171b','euvi_304b'], ['euvi_284a','euvi_195a','euvi_284b','euvi_195b']]
	Row 1:  euvi_171a, euvi_304a, euvi_171b, euvi_304b
	Row 2:  euvi_284a, euvi_195a, euvi_284b, euvi_195b
(Note that with this option the cadence is determined by the camera with the highest frequency, so using SKIP=10 is recommended if EUVI is one of the inputs.)