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SPWG Minutes Friday, March 16, 2001

1. Review of action items

2. Boundary conditions

* No maneuvers planned in April and continuous contact all month. There will be gaps in the continuous due to non-overlapping stations. First two months Full Disk in best focus. If DSN coverage continues to be good, first 2 weeks of May will be in high resolution (hr_v1_m2). Second half of May: Full disk and high res doppler (only), no high cadence magnetograms. MDI's flatfield results from the offpoint have been useful, and MDI would participate in repeat performances. [NOTE - changed after meeting:] The maneuver that was scheduled for May 31 will likely be postponed. Suggested date is June 28. * NOTE: POLAR maneuver with hot DSN backup scheduled for week 13 (March 26-April 1). Impacts to DSN support for SOHO TBD. * HESSI launch/planning update No earlier than May 15. * Submodes: Submode 5 until March 26 Submode 6 until May 14 Submode 5 until May 31 (TBC)

3. JOPs status

New: JOP139 A study of helium abundance from coordinated Sac Peak-SOHO-Ulysses observations, UVCS/CDS/EIT/CELIAS(SEM)/SUMER/LASCO, POC: Giannina Poletto No remarks. JOP140 Origin of Type I radio noise storms, CDS/MDI/EIT/TRACE/Yohkoh/VLA/Nancay, POC: Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi It would be nice if MDI requirements were specified. For the time period in question, MDI will give 1 minute cadence full disk cropped magnetograms and dopplergrams. Also, EIT will do 195 Angstrom CME watch, not 171 subfields. JOP141 Emission lines in Near-Sun Comets, LASCO/UVCS/Arecibo, POC: Doug Biesecker No remarks.

4. Priorities for the coming month (W13-W17, March 26-April 29)

a) Joint observing plans From previous meeting(s): * Feb 1-Mar 28 JOP136 Default HESSI Collaboration (test run of MMOP009) (#6697), POC: Richard Canfield New: * Mar 18-May 15 JOP106 (MMOP011) Sigmoidal Active Region Study (#6721), CDS/EIT/UVCS/MDI/TRACE/Yohkoh-SXT/et al. POC: Sarah Gibson (sgibson@solar.stanford.edu) EOF: Stein Haugan, Prime time 1700-2300 UT Note: MDI will most likely be in HiRes first 2 weeks of May * Mar 18,23,24 JOP140 (MMOP012) Origin of Type I Radio Noise Storms (#6716), VLA/CDS/EIT/TRACE/MDI/Yohkoh-SXT, POC: Lidia van Driel (Lidia.vanDriel@obspm.fr), RAL: Barbara Bromage/Keith Macpherson EIT will do 195 Angstrom CME watch * Mar 28,29 Quiet Sun Transient Events Study (#6717),CDS/TRACE/EIT/Yohkoh, POC: Clare Parnell EOF: Andrzej Fludra EIT shutterless operations in 195 Angstrom *TBC*. Moved (delayed until August): * August JOP104 Doppler Shifts in X-ray Jets, SUMER/CDS/EIT/UVCS/TRACE/HESSI/Yohkoh/MICA/HASTA, POC: Davina Innes b) Individual instrument plans See monthly calendar. TRACE target of opportunity for April 3-27: Loop oscillations 195 Angstrom c) Intercalibration activities * Week 14 Intercal 1, CDS/EIT, POC: Frederic Auchere TRACE participation TBD.

5. Preview of future months

* See the Monthly Calendar at: http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/soc/head_calendar.html

6. AOB

* Next SPWG: *TUESDAY* April 24, 2001 at 2:00 pm in EAF * REMINDER: DSN support should be requested at least 6 months in advance. Keep this in mind for: ground-based collaborations that require MDI support, stellar observations that require NRT, etc.