JOP226 SOHO-SDO Cross-Calibration Authors: Phil Scherrer, Rock Bush, Sarah Gregory Participating Instruments: SDO/HMI SOHO/MDI Scientific Objective & Justification: SOHO/MDI has operated nearly continuously for more than 14 years collecting a unique and important set of solar observations. The long time span allows many studies of the 11/22 year solar cycle with direct well calibrated observations. The MDI instrument will be turned off several months after the launch of SDO. The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager instrument on SDO will continue MDI-type observations during the SDO mission. HMI has significant design heritage from MDI but it is not identical and the differences will be revealed in detailed comparisons of simultaneous observations. The goal for SDO is to continue for up to 10-years (base mission is 5 years). If we are Merging MDI and HMI observations (reduced to MDI resolution) provide a very beneficial 20-25 year span - a full solar magnetic cycle - of intercomparable data. Sufficient overlap data will allow a 20+ year span rather than two half-magnetic-cycles from two instruments with different responses. Operational Considerations: The SDO/SOHO Cross-calbration requires continuous DSN support for 60 days (04 May 2010 through 11 July 2010) to obtain continuous MDI Structure and Campaign data as well as 96 minute Synoptic MDI Magnetogram data. The guidelines for SOHO Continuous Contact operational procedures is outlined in a standing SOHO OCD titled "Standard MDI Operations Policy". The Cross-calibration will further require enough DSN support to allow for continuous Structure data and downlink of daily synoptic high rate Magnetograms during and after the August 2010 SOHO Keyhole. An August 2010 Keyhole OCD and a new Standard Operations Policy will be drafted to explain new requirements for SOHO operations concerning MDI data downlink modes during these periods. Detailed Observing Sequences: MDI: Start with three days of high resolution FOV Doppler, magnetogram and filtergram at disk center. cam_hr_t_ve_fe_me: HR velocity, HR filtergram and HR mag 500x1024 Followed with thirty days of full disk Doppler and high resolution FOV Doppler at disk center. cam_p30v_hr_ve: FD P30 velocity (R=504) and HR 1024x600 velocity Calibration sequence run in transition after thirty days of full disk/high res Doppler. Remainder of Dynamics with full disk Doppler and selected second observable. Observing duration of 3 to 4 days suggested for each of the following: cam_p30v_hr_me: FD P30 velocity (R=504) and HR 1024x640 magnetogram cam_p30v_hr_le: FD P30 velocity (R=504) and HR 1024x640 linedepth cam_fd_v1_l1: FD velocity (R=504) and FD linedepth (R=504) cam_p30vr_fd_m1: FD velocity (R=480) and FD magnetogram (R=504) If an active region is in the MDI high resolution FOV, switch to a high resolution FOV Doppler, magnetogram and filtergram observing program: cam_hr_ve_fe_me: HR velocity, HR filtergram and HR mag 1024x500 cam_hr_t2_ve_fe_me: HR velocity, HR filtergram and HR mag 700x700 With an active region at central meridian and in the MDI high res FOV, several hours of high resolution magnetic line scans should be taken on the active region. cam_hr_mag_lp_e256: Line profile for HR magnetogram frames (256 extract) cam_hr_mag2_lp_e256: Line profile for HR magnetogram frames (256 extract) If a "good" active region is outside the MDI high resolution FOV, several hours of full disk magnetic line scans should be run. cam_fd_mag_lp_e256: Line profile for FD magnetogram frames (256 extract) cam_fd_mag2_lp_e256: Line profile for FD magnetogram frames (256 extract)