Location mcsoc:/Users/socfiles/info/dsn_schedules_info.html
URL http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/soc/soc/info_files/dsn_schedules_info.html
Last modified by TS
Last modified 15 Dec 2009

How the DSN schedule information is obtained

DSN schedule information is retrieved from JPL's servers with a set of shell script and perl tools. These tools are run under user dsn@mcsoc and can be found under that account's home directory (currently) in /Users/dsn/bin. The retrieval process also generates three direct products/files (the links take you to the file descriptions below):

The dsn_merged.dat file is used as the basis for several further textual and graphical products — described in greater detail below.

DSN schedule related SOC tasks

Creating and updating the 14-day schedule

This file is created with the shell script sohomkshortdsn on mcsoc. The script can be run both under cron and manually. The script has been set to run under cron under account dsn@mcsoc once per day at 0630 UT. This run uses the following switches:

sohomkshortdsn -m -w

The 14-day text schedule is created to /Users/dsn/dsn_nearterm/schedule.txt and e-mailed to the list of recipients listed in file mcsoc:/Users/dsn/dsn_nearterm/schedule-short-mailing-list.txt. The MDI format schedule is generated and e-mailed to MDI (-m) and the HTML format schedule is created and put onto the SOHO web server (-w). For a complete description of the different switches and arguments see sohomkshortdsn.

Typical interactive use of the script includes the following switches:

sohomkshortdsn -e -p -m -w

Compared to the cron process above, the two additional switches allow the user to review and edit the schedule produced (-e) and two (2) hardcopies of the schedule are printed on the default printer (-p). This task needs to be done

  1. once per week, typically on Thursdays, and
  2. after notification of a DSN schedule change from the SOHO DSN scheduler.

To complete the task,

  1. place one of the hardcopies with the SOC logbook, and
  2. attach the other hardcopy to the SOC office door.

Different DSN schedule products


Long-term schedule (dsn_merged.dat)

The dsn_merged.dat file is one of the products of the hourly retrieval from JPL and the initial formatting process described above. This file is then used as the input file for generation of several other different DSN schedule products, both textual and graphical. The file is available on the mcsoc at /Users/dsn/actplan/dsn_merged.dat and for instance via the SOHO web server on the operations page as the textual long-term schedule. The file format is as follows:

DSN_Contact  2010/01/15 10:00:00 2010/01/15 16:35:00  06h35m D65 
DSN_Contact  2010/01/15 21:05:00 2010/01/16 01:05:00  04h00m D34 
DSN_Contact  2010/01/16 04:25:00 2010/01/16 09:00:00  04h35m D34 
DSN_Contact  2010/01/16 12:10:00 2010/01/16 16:30:00  04h20m D65 
DSN_Contact  2010/01/16 16:35:00 2010/01/17 00:55:00  08h20m D27 
DSN_Contact  2010/01/17 04:05:00 2010/01/17 08:55:00  04h50m D34 
DSN_Contact  2010/01/17 09:55:00 2010/01/17 16:30:00  06h35m D54 
DSN_Contact  2010/01/17 20:55:00 2010/01/18 00:30:00  03h35m D24 
DSN_Contact  2010/01/18 00:20:00 2010/01/18 05:45:00  05h25m D45 

The seven columns of the format are the following:

  1. Repeating DSN_Contact string
  2. Begin-of-track (BOT) date
  3. BOT time in Universal Time (UT)
  4. End-of-Track (EOT) date
  5. EOT time in UT
  6. Duration of the pass in hours (h) and minutes (m)
  7. DSN antenna identifier

Station identifier file (dsn.dat)

The dsn.dat file is one of the products of the hourly retrieval from JPL and the initial formatting process described above. It is used as input for the SOHO ECS system's GUI. The file is available on the mcsoc at /Users/dsn/actplan/dsn.dat and on the web for instance here. The ECS copies this file regularly from mcsoc. The file format is as follows:

Goldst 2007/02/05 22:10:00 2007/02/06 01:55:00 
Canber 2007/02/06 01:35:00 2007/02/06 07:30:00 
Madrid 2007/02/06 13:45:00 2007/02/06 17:45:00 
Goldst 2007/02/06 22:10:00 2007/02/07 01:55:00 
Madrid 2007/02/07 10:50:00 2007/02/07 17:40:00 
Goldst 2007/02/07 20:10:00 2007/02/07 22:00:00 

The five columns of the format are the following:

  1. Six-letter DSN complex (Canberra, Goldstone, Madrid) identifier
  2. Begin-of-track (BOT) date
  3. BOT time in Universal Time (UT)
  4. End-of-Track (EOT) date
  5. EOT time in UT

MDI-M file (dsn_ecs.dat)

The dsn_ecs.dat file is one of the products of the hourly retrieval from JPL and the initial formatting process described above. It is used as input for...

DSN_Handover  2007/02/06 01:25:00  2007/02/06 01:55:00  00h30m
Dur_MDI_M     2007/02/06 16:20:00  2007/02/06 16:30:00  00h10m
Start_MDI_M   2007/02/06 16:20:00  2007/02/06 16:20:01  00h00m01s 
Dur_MDI_M     2007/02/07 00:01:00  2007/02/07 00:11:00  00h10m
Start_MDI_M   2007/02/07 00:01:00  2007/02/07 00:01:01  00h00m01s 
Dur_MDI_M     2007/02/07 14:29:00  2007/02/07 15:29:00  01h00m
Start_MDI_M   2007/02/07 14:29:00  2007/02/07 14:29:01  00h00m01s 
Dur_MDI_M     2007/02/07 21:15:00  2007/02/07 21:25:00  00h10m
Start_MDI_M   2007/02/07 21:15:00  2007/02/07 21:15:01  00h00m01s 
Dur_MDI_M     2007/02/08 06:43:00  2007/02/08 06:53:00  00h10m
Start_MDI_M   2007/02/08 06:43:00  2007/02/08 06:43:01  00h00m01s 
Dur_MDI_M     2007/02/08 09:23:00  2007/02/08 10:23:00  01h00m
Start_MDI_M   2007/02/08 09:23:00  2007/02/08 09:23:01  00h00m01s 
Dur_MDI_M     2007/02/08 23:35:00  2007/02/09 00:35:00  01h00m
Start_MDI_M   2007/02/08 23:35:00  2007/02/08 23:35:01  00h00m01s 
DSN_Handover  2007/02/09 01:00:00  2007/02/09 01:30:00  00h30m
Dur_MDI_M     2007/02/09 10:03:00  2007/02/09 11:03:00  01h00m
Start_MDI_M   2007/02/09 10:03:00  2007/02/09 10:03:01  00h00m01s 

The six columns of the format are the following:

  1. Information descriptor:
    DSN_Handover DSN handover timing and duration
    Start_MDI_M Beginning time of MDI_M
    Dur_MDI_M Duration of MDI_M
  2. Begin-of-track (BOT) date
  3. BOT time in Universal Time (UT)
  4. End-of-Track (EOT) date
  5. EOT time in UT
  6. Duration of the activity

14-day text file (schedule.txt)

This file is created by the SOCs using the shell script sohomkshortdsn on mcsoc. This file is the so-called door and e-mail schedule. At minimum two hardcopies need to be produced, one for the SOC desk, another for the SOC office door (see also sohomkshortdsn. The file is created to mcsoc:/Users/dsn/dsn_nearterm/schedule.txt and e-mailed to the list of recipients listed in file mcsoc:/Users/dsn/dsn_nearterm/schedule-short-mailing-list.txt. The file format is as follows:

SOHO 14-day Deep Space Network schedule
Created Mon 2009/11/16 17:13:38 UT

47 320 Mon 2009/11/16 01:45 - 03:55 D34
47 320 Mon 2009/11/16 11:20 - 16:50 D54
47 320 Mon 2009/11/16 19:35 - 00:45 D27

47 321 Tue 2009/11/17 04:15 - 08:45 D34
47 321 Tue 2009/11/17 09:15 - 11:45 D54
47 321 Tue 2009/11/17 16:35 - 19:55 D24

The seven columns of the format are the following:

  1. Week number
  2. Day-of-the-year (DOY)
  3. Weekday
  4. Begin-of-Track (BOT) date
  5. BOT time in Universal Time (UT)
  6. EOT time in UT (date is omitted)
  7. DSN antenna identifier

14-day HTML file (schedule.html)

This file is created by the SOCs using the shell script sohomkshortdsn on mcsoc. This is an HTML facsimile of the so-called 14-day text file schedule. The file is created to mcsoc:/Users/dsn/dsn_nearterm/schedule.html and is available on the web on the SOHO operations page as the textual near-term schedule.

14-day MDI text file (schedule-mdi.txt)

This file is created by the SOCs using the shell script sohomkshortdsn on mcsoc. The file is not created by default, only when the shell script is invoked with the switch -m. This file contains the same information as the 14-day text file schedule, but in a legacy format used by MDI's own scheduling processes. The file is created to mcsoc:/Users/dsn/dsn_nearterm/schedule-mdi.txt and when created, is also automatically e-mailed to mdi-ecs@mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov and to the SOC e-mail address. The file format is as follows (the day separators are crucial for MDI's automatic processing):

      DSN_Contact_D34             2009/11/16   01:45     2009/11/16   03:55     02:10
      DSN_Contact_D54             2009/11/16   11:20     2009/11/16   16:50     05:30
      DSN_Contact_D27             2009/11/16   19:35     2009/11/17   00:45     05:10
      DSN_Contact_D34             2009/11/17   04:15     2009/11/17   08:45     04:30
      DSN_Contact_D54             2009/11/17   09:15     2009/11/17   11:45     02:30
      DSN_Contact_D24             2009/11/17   16:35     2009/11/17   19:55     03:20

The six columns of the format are the following:

  1. Combined DSN contact and antenna identifier
  2. Begin-of-Track (BOT) date
  3. BOT time in Universal Time (UT)
  4. End-of-Track (EOT) date
  5. EOT time in UT
  6. Duration of the pass in hours and minutes


This file is created by the SOCs using the shell script sohomkshortdsn on mcsoc and the file is currently created and copied to the web server every time the shell script is run (unlike for instance the MDI schedule). This file contains the same information as the 14-day text file schedule, but in a the ECS Activity Plan Keyword (KAP) format used by CDS' own scheduling processes. The file is created to mcsoc:/Users/dsn/dsn_nearterm/ECSYYYYMMDDVVV.KAP (where YYYY, MM and DD and the creation date's year, month and date with leading zeroes included; VVV is the version number required by the format) and copied to the web server to directory http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/soc/dsntest/ for CDS to retrieve. Currently (17 Nov 2009) this product is being tested and changes in the process may occur. For definitive information check the code of the shell script sohomkshortdsn. The file includes the header section as well as one DSN_Contact and one ACTIVITY_Throughput_ entry for each DSN pass. Information on the EAP/KAP format can be found for instance in the Interface Control Document Between the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Experimenters Operations Facility (EOF) Core System (ECS) and the SOHO Instrumenters, section 3.5.2.

FILENAME=  /Users/dsn/dsn_nearterm/ECS20091117001.KAP
DATE_CRE=  2009/11/17 19:19:11
STARTIME=  2009/11/17 00:00:00
ENDTIME=   2009/12/01 00:00:00

   STARTIME = 2009/11/17 04:15:00
   ENDTIME = 2009/11/17 08:45:00

   STARTIME = 2009/11/17 04:15:00
   ENDTIME = 2009/11/17 08:45:00

Near-Real Time (NRT) and MDI transition schedule

This schedule is related to the DSN schedules, but is generated from activity plan files provided by the Flight Operations Team. The relevant info file is here.


Graphical representations of the DSN schedule can be accessed here. The schedule is shown in week-long chunks. The graphical schedules are created by make_dsnplots and the Interactive Data Language (IDL) procedure dsnweeks under cron, currently under the account dsn@mcsoc.nascom.nasa.gov.

Tools, programs and the like


Shell (ksh) script used to retrieve the DSN schedules from JPL and process it to the three direct products (dsn_merged.dat, dsn.dat and dsn_ecs.dat). To complete its task this script calls directly or indirectly seven other perl scripts:

  1. get_dsn_jpl
  2. merge_dsn
  3. dsn2ecs
  4. create_dsndat
  5. ext_time.pl
  6. sec_to_ymdtime.pl
  7. ymdtime_to_sec.pl

All the eight scripts are located under the account dsn@mcsoc in directory /Users/dsn/bin. This collection of scripts has been ported from soc to mcsoc and modified by Joe Hourclé.


Two versions of this process exist. The current (and simplified) version runs on dsn@mcsoc once per hour under cron. The relevant files are the shell (bash) script in /Users/dsn/make_dsnplots and the Interactive Data Language (IDL) procedure /Users/dsn/idl/dsnweeks.pro. The process writes the graphics (.pdf, .png and .ps) and HTML files to the dsn subdirectory of the NFS-mounted SOC web directory (seen from mcsoc as /service/soho-archive/soc/dsn).

The old (and now defunct) process was initiated under cron on ecs@soc.nascom.nasa.gov. The make_dsnplots logged onto the soc@spot.nascom.nasa.gov and started another shell script (/home/soc/bin/go_dsn) there. This script in turn ran the Interactive Data Language (IDL) procedure /home/soc/idl/go_dsn.pro, which in turn called another IDL procedure (/home/soc/idl/soc/dsnweeks.pro). The files were created to spot:/home/soc/public_html/dsn, from where a regular mirroring process copied them to the actual web server.


Shell (bash) script used to generate the 14-day DSN schedule products. Located in mcsoc:/Users/socfiles/bin/sohomkshortdsn. Assistance to the use of the script, its switches and arguments is best obtained by typing sohomkshortdsn -h. This command produces the following help text:

Usage: sohomkshortdsn -d <days> -e -p -c <copies> -h -m -w
All switches and arguments are optional. Actions related to
the switches are done only, if the switch is included, but
the arguments have default values as described below.

-d <days> is used to define the number days (default 14).
-e allows the interactive user to edit the schedule with emacs
-p causes the output file to be printed to the default printer.
-c <copies> is used to define the number of printed copies (default 2).
-m causes the MDI format file to be e-mailed to mdi-ecs@mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov.
-w causes the output HTML file to be copied to the web server.
-h prints this help text and exits the program.