ecs2 Transition Plan ==================== When we have to fail over from ecs1 to ecs2: FOT - change DPS pointing, only if plan to be on ecs2 long-term FOT - change CMS pointing FOT - change IRTS pointing Change ecsman load sending over program: on ecsman, /home/cmd, cp it is in the works to move this off ecsman so Amy/Marc can maintain it Change fetch telemetry program for website: A cronjob from moat uses rsync to copy the quicklook telemetry from ecs1 to the archive. The files are served to the web by umbra. To change the pointing, edit the script. chk_gaps will change over when the FOT change the IRTS pointing - note: can't work for the time between changeovers. /Users/socfiles/info/ecs2_transition.txt 22 April 2010 EBZ