EPHIN Level-2 Plot User Guide __________________________ EPHIPLOT.PRO is an IDL program to display on screen or write into a postscript file EPHIN level 2 data. A detailed data format specification of EPHIN level 2 data is given in EPHISPEC.DOC. LIONPLOT.PRO will do a similar task for LION level 2 data, with fewer functions, though. Use this user guide for LIONPLOT.PRO with appropriate replacements. A detailed data format specification of LION level 2 data is given in LIONSPEC.DOC. Contact address: Christian Albrechts University of Kiel Leibnizstr. 11 24118 Kiel, Germany Reinhold Mueller-Mellin e-mail: mueller-mellin@kernphysik.uni-kiel.de Holger Boll e-mail: boll@astrophysik.uni-kiel.de Carsten Scharmberg e-mail: scharmberg@kernphysik.uni-kiel.de EPHIPLOT.PRO is a self explaining widget guided program. It runs under IDL on various platforms: it has been tested on VMS, UNIX, Windows95, and Windows NT. Main input files: *.RL2 Optional input files: *.KOR Main output: to screen Optional output: to postscript file or to ASCII file Auxilliary input/output: *.SVE (plot parameters and path definitions are saved for ease of use) 1. Introduction The program is a comprehensive packet of IDL subroutines and functions. To simplify the installation, all source files are copied into one library file: EPHIPLOT.PRO The program is distributed with the COSTEP level 2 data ( = EPHIN and LION data) on CD-ROM. It is recommended to copy this file onto a hard disk. To start the program, follow these steps: 1. Mount the CD-ROM On VAX VMS systems, mount the CD-ROM with: cd_mount/over=id/media=CD/undef=(stream_lf:512) device On DEC OPEN-VMS systems, mount the CD-ROM with: mount/over=id/media=CD/undef=(stream_lf:512) device On UNIX and Windows systems, no special mount is required 2. Copy EPHIPLOT.PRO to your disk 3. Start IDL 4.Type in: .compile EPHIPLOT 5.Type in: main When started for the first time from a given directory, the program requests path information: enter the input path for the level-2 files (e.g. *.RL2) and the output path for the plot files (e.g. idl.ps). They may be different from the present working directory. Note: on PC platforms: in order to place output files (e.g. *.sve, *.ps, *.dat) in your working directory: 1. before executing EPHIPLOT, clear the field 'Working Directory' in IDL Menu 'File', 'Preferences', 'Startup' 2. after starting EPHIPLOT, do not specify output path in window 'File Path Selection' The files containing path information(e.g. l2path.sve), plot panel configuration (e.g. Yranl2.sve), and the ASCII data dumps (e.g. l2plot.dat) will be placed in the present working directory. Now the main menu will appear. If the program does not behave as expected, it is a good practice to exit IDL and try a new start. 2. The widget structure 2.1 The >EPHIN Level-2 Main Menu< widget The following steps will read-in data and open the plot menu: 1. select channel(s) or unselect to correct selection 2. read in data (a plot time setting menu appears) Note: Every time new channels are selected, a new read-in must be performed. The channel selection: There are 2 listings in this widget. The left one shows all selectable channels. Up to 8 channels may be selected by mouseclicking. The selected channels appear on the right list. It is now possible to unselect them by mouseclicking in the right list. A f t e r channel selection the read-in must be performed. Data read-in: Mouseclicking the >Select Period - Start Plot< button lets a widget appear, where plot start date, number of days to plot and the averaging interval are requested. To change input fields use mouseclick. After clicking on the >ok---exit< button the read-in starts. While reading the input files, no further clicks should be done. A >Wait-Window< appears as long as the read-in continues. After its disappearance the plot menu is called automatically. It may also be called by clicking on the>Start Plot< button. 2.2 The >EPHIN L2 Plot-Menu< widget 2.2.1 Left column >Plot All< versus single plots This menu offers the possibility to plot all channels in one step by clicking on >Plot All< button. In this case the number of panels in the plot page (plotwindow) is automatically set to the number of channels. If the user wants a subset or a different plot sequence he can doubleclick on the individual channels in the list. By changing the plotwindow configuration, it is possible to plot for example just 3 out of 4 selected channels on one plot page. >Y-Scaling< Select linear (default) or logarithmic scaling. >Y-Range< There are 3 selection items for this button. A default setting of Y minimum and maximum values is fixed in the source code. The user may set its own values (right column >Set Y-Range<) and use them by selecting the >selfmade range< option. The third option is >IDL Automatic< , which is recommended when trying to get a first impression of the data range. >selfmade< is recommended for plotting or overplotting with logarithmic scale. >Save Data< Generates an ASCII data listing of all selected channels. A submenu allows to select different time tags. Note: PB5 is not yet implemented. 2.2.2 Right column >Set Color< Submenu to alter the actual plot color. Load first color table by clicking the >Color< button, then use slider to set color. The >black and white < button resets all plotted data to black lines. This option is useful for overplot purpose. >Plotmode< Switches between single panel plots and multi panel plots (O-Plot mode) >Help O-fac< Opens a message widget with a short reminder how to use the overplot factor. >O-fac< Input Field Type in your desired overplot value. In linear plots the value is added to the data, in logarithmic plots it is multiplied. After each overplot the o-fac is reset to its defaults (0 for linear plot, 1 for logarithmic plot). >Annotation< Submenu with options to set annotation font and size. The positioning is done with mouseclick into the plot panel. Caution: The positioning in the X-window and in the PostScript files may differ. >Plot Title> Submenu with 3 input fields to alter the default plot titles for x- and y- axes and main title. If the input field remains empty the default title is used. >Help Corr Fac> Help on correction factor. EPHIN proton and helium channels may be contaminated by electrons. Hence correction factors derived from PHA data are provided for proton and helium channels only, not for electron and integral channel. The plots may be done with or without PHA correction. >Correction factor < Selection of 4 items: - no correction - arbitrary incidence: PHA matrix correction # particles in proton+deuterium box / total # particles in p PHA resp. # particles in 3He+4He box / total # particles in He PHA - parallel incidence-1: # particles in proton box' / total # particles in p PHA resp. # particles in 3He box / total # particles in He PHA - parallel incidence-2: # particles in deuterium box' / total # particles in p PHA resp. # particles in 4He box / total # particles in He PHA Note: earlier descriptions of this button contained an error: dividend and divisor were mixed up. Only the descriptive text was affected, not the plot program! >open PS<, >close PS<, >toggle x/PS< The plot output may be directed into a PostScript file. The PS file is opened with button >open PS<. This does not mean that the output is sent into the file immediately. The user can test the plots first on the x-window and may then, after clicking on >toggle x/PS< direct the output into the file and click again on one of the plot switches. The user may close the PostScript file and open another one, to distinguish the plots by the file names. The PostScript file status (open/ not open, plot into file) is displayed in info boxes. It is wise to watch these info boxes, so that the user knows where the plot is sent to and how the plot pages are configured. >Config Plotwindow< Submenu to alter default number of plot panels (1) per page. It is possible to increase the number of panels in both x and y directions. >Config Plotpanel< Submenu to set plotsymbol, symbol size, and number of tick marks (major and minor) in x and y directions.