01 June 2024 - Mission Day: 10410 - DOY: 153

Sun-Earth Day 2002

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EIT 304Å/LASCO C2, POLAR/VIS image & Jan Curtis aurora image

This composite image presents the three most visible elements of space weather: a storm from the Sun (EIT 304Å/LASCO composite), aurora as seen from space (POLAR), and aurora as seen from the Earth (Jan Curtis).

Print media: High-res TIFF image.

Caption: The second annual Sun-Earth Day will "Celebrate the Equinox" on March 20 with programs and activities at NASA Centers and a two-hour televised webcast featuring discussions on the Sun's connection to the Earth through images, cultural parallels and activities that Native Americans have used to share Sun-Earth science through several generations.

More details about the activities at the Goddard Space Flight Center Sun-Earth Day page.

Other stories related to Sun-Earth day:

UVCS Sun-Earth Day Press Release: Long Term Space Weather Prospects Astronomers

HESSI "first light" images: NASA Celebrates Sun-Earth Day with Solar X-Ray Fireworks

Picture credits: SOHO/LASCO and SOHO/EIT (ESA & NASA)
POLAR/VIS (NASA) & Jan Curtis


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