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1. Preferences and Defaults

DIVA preferences and default values are included in the file "diva_defs.pro" in the default DIVA directory. Parameters include;

def_path a default path to the main data storage directory
def_file a default filename
tlb_drawwid_size the size of DIVA's main draw area
diva_printers (linux only) a list of printer names
diva_printers_list (linux only) a list of corresponding labels

and may be modified by editing this file. However, it is important that all these variables are defined, even if only as null strings.

2. Running DIVA

DIVA can be run from a command line or from clicking on the DIVA icon.

In the case of the former, change to the appropriate directory (containing the DIVA IDL source files), start IDL and type "@d" at the command line. This will execute a batch file "d.pro" which will compile DIVA's individual IDL procedures and functions and then run DIVA.

Otherwise, click the DIVA icon to execute a bash script "diva_run" which does this automatically. (The script file should be in your home directory and executable - edit the pathname appropriately.) The icon is to be found in the ./diva/diva_pics directory.

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E-mail me at j.a.rainnie@rl.ac.uk

Copyright © 2003 John Rainnie
Last updated January 2003